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Beyond Debate: A Revolution in Education

Beyond Debate: A Revolution in Education

Follow students in Boston and Chicago public schools to witness debate-based pedagogies in action.

Aired 10/07/2024 | Expires 10/07/2027 | Rating TV-PG

Beyond Debate: A Revolution in Education
Beyond Debate: A Revolution in Education

Beyond Debate: A Revolution in Education

10/07/2024 | 55m 5sVideo has Closed Captions

Follow students in Boston and Chicago public schools to witness debate-based pedagogies in action.

In high schools across the country, there is a growing belief that debate-based pedagogies improve civility and academic success by encouraging students to think critically, engage in high-level academic discourse, and construct compelling arguments. We follow students in Boston and Chicago public schools to witness the methodology’s impact.

Aired 10/07/2024 | Expires 10/07/2027 | Rating TV-PG

Beyond Debate: A Revolution in Education

Beyond Debate: A Revolution in Education

10/07/2024 | 55m 5sVideo has Closed Captions

In high schools across the country, there is a growing belief that debate-based pedagogies improve civility and academic success by encouraging students to think critically, engage in high-level academic discourse, and construct compelling arguments. We follow students in Boston and Chicago public schools to witness the methodology’s impact.

Aired 10/07/2024 | Expires 10/07/2027 | Rating TV-PG

How to Watch Beyond Debate: A Revolution in Education

Beyond Debate: A Revolution in Education is available to stream on and the free PBS App, available on iPhone, Apple TV, Android TV, Android smartphones, Amazon Fire TV, Amazon Fire Tablet, Roku, Samsung Smart TV, and Vizio.

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